What happens during Lasik screening pre workups tests?
Before the actual LASIK surgery begins at the operation theatre, there is a multitude of tasks that play their individual roles in order...
LASIK Recovery Time and Common LASIK Risks and Side Effects
One of the leading eye surgeries in the world right now at this very moment is the LASIK eye surgery. The surgery is essentially...
After LASIK Eye Surgery: 10 Things to Expect During LASIK Recovery
With the advent of modern times, surgical procedures have become more and more convenient, advanced and safe. This also holds true when...
What are the dangers of having holes and lattice in retina before Lasik?
Holes and lattices in the retina signify areas of weakness in the retinal layer. Most people with these lesions may remain asymptomatic....
Can undergo Lasik before retinal barrage laser?
Although prior retinal barrage laser treatment is not an absolute contraindication for Lasik surgery, we do not advise our patients to...
What happens in retinal barrage laser before Lasik eye surgery?
For retinal laser treatment, we will dilate your eyes with mydriatic drops. It is an out patient procedure done in sitting position using...
Why do I require a retina examination before Lasik?
Lasik is a procedure to change the refractive status of the eye using laser energy and help one achieve perfect vision without the need...