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Major Difference Between Lasik, SMILE and Contoura Vision Lasik Surgery

SMILE, Lasik and Contoura Vision eye surgery are considered the premium variants of laser eye surgery for vision correction. In order to choose between these for your eyes, your doctor will perform a series of comprehensive eye examinations and discuss your vision needs and expectations. In addition, he or she will also guide you to critically evaluate all three procedures before coming to a decision. The major differences between the three procedures are listed below, and represented in Table 1 for an easy comparison.

1. Laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis (Lasik): is the conventional laser eye surgery, and still remains one of the most commonly performed variants of vision correction laser eye surgery in India. Sub Bowman’s Keratomileusis or SBK is a relatively newer variant of conventional Lasik, in which the corneal flap made is thinner, making the surgery safer and better, even in patients with thinner corneas. These surgeries are not robotic or blade-free, and the corneal flap is raised using a mechanized knife called the keratome.

2. Femtosecond Lasik (All-Laser Lasik eye surgery): This was the first of the premium surgeries for laser spectacle removal and has been popularly called robotic bladeless Lasik eye surgery, and has completely revolutionized the results of LASIK eye surgery in terms of safety and efficacy. In this surgery, the corneal flap is also raised by an automated ultrafast femtosecond laser, and no knives or blades are used.

3. SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction): SMILE eye surgery differs in technique from the other laser eye surgery variants. In SMILE eye surgery, a small part of the cornea called lenticule is removed using a very small incision, in order to modify its shape. This is also known as keyhole Lasik because the incision made s extremely small. This makes the surgery free from flap related complications, as no corneal flap is raised in SMILE eye surgery.

4. Contoura Vision LASIK (Newest variant of All-Laser LASIK eye surgery): This is most sophisticated, premium Lasik eye surgery in the world, and is now available in India in selected centers. Contoura Lasik technology uses a very advanced computer algorithm that analyzes the shape of the cornea over more than 22000 points on its surface, and laser ablation at each point is customized for that person. Also, the machine has the fastest corneal tracker, which means that the ablation is always centered on the visual axis of the eye, making the reshaping of the cornea, both, safe, and accurate.

For this reason, this surgery provides the best vision results of all known procedures for laser vision correction, with the least side effects and complications. Vision results with Contoura Vision LASIK eye surgery are superior to all other LASIK procedures, making it the definitely the best Lasik eye surgery in India.

Table 1: Major differences between Lasik, SMILE and Contoura Vision

Final verdict:

Without doubt, the best Lasik eye surgery available today is Contoura Vision LASIK because of its excellent vision results, with over 2/3 of patients experiencing super vision or vision better than 6/6, with very few side effects. In addition since the corneal aberrations are corrected by the customized laser, the incidence of haloes, glare and difficulties in night time driving are few. Of course, Femtosecond laser Lasik and SMILE, are also excellent choices in case your surgeon doesn’t have access to Contoura Vision, or is not adequately trained in the procedure. The premium eye surgeries have gained rapid popularity for the following reasons:

  • No blades and knives used, less apprehension for patients, and superior results

  • All-laser Lasik, therefore, absolute laser precision and safety

  • Decreased chances of infection due to better wound healing

  • Fewer flap related complications due to better apposition and healing

  • Better visual outcomes: Super vision, that is, vision better than 6/6 with Contoura Lasik

  • Fully automated robotic surgery, under surgeon’s control at all times

  • Faster recovery and stability of vision

  • Compatible with premium IOLs in case the patient develops cataract in old age


©2018 Information on Contoura Vision Laser eye surgery for specs removal. The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice by an Ophthalmologist. â€‹



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