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How to Prevent Serious Eye Problems In Monsoon and Summer

An eye is a complex part of the human body. In addition to that, it is also fragile. Owing to this fact, disorders related to eyes keep occurring very frequently. However, the probability of the occurrences of these disorders increases in summer and monsoon seasons given several factors.

The dry-weather accompanied with the heat waves can get too harsh for your eyes. Likewise, in the monsoon season, the humidity may give rise to several allergies. Heat and monsoon rob our eyes of its natural lubrication and hygiene thus, giving rise to several disorders such as conjunctivitis, stye, dry-eyes and corneal ulcers. The fluctuation in temperatures makes your eyes prone to numerous conditions such as irritation, redness, dryness, inflammation, etc. Although there are remedies available for each one of them, these might lead to other serious outcomes if not treated properly.

It is always said that prevention is better than cure. Shared below are a few precautions you can undertake in order to prevent eye-related disorders in monsoons and summers.

  1. Always sanitize your hands properly after eating or shaking hands.

  2. Make sure that you wash your hands after touching door handles, taps, etc.

  3. Avoid sharing common towels and toiletries.

  4. Make sure that you share none of your eye cosmetics with anyone.

  5. Wear glasses while swimming in public pools.

  6. Avoid making an eye contact with people if you are suffering from eye flu, etc.

  7. Always keep lubricating your eyes with the help of eye-drops after consulting your ophthalmologist.

  8. Whenever you step out, make sure to wear glasses that offer 100 percent protection from ultra-violet rays.

  9. Sleep is very important. Make sure you sleep properly in order to allow your eyes to rejuvenate naturally.

  10. Splash coldwater on your eyes if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort.

  11. Avoid looking on to the computer screens for long hours constantly.

  12. Pamper your eyes whenever you get a chance. Cover them with cucumber slices whenever possible. This will help soothe the eyes.

In case any eye allergies or disorders may arise, you should discontinue the use of contact lenses immediately.

Shared below are the several eye disorders that can happen in summers and monsoon.

  1. Conjunctivitis

What is conjunctivitis?

Also knows as the “Pink Eye”, Conjunctivitis is a disorder that is caused due to the inflammation, redness and/or swelling up of the conjunctiva and the part inside the eyelids. Conjunctiva is the membrane that could be found covering the white part of a human eye and insides of its lids.

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis

  1. Redness in the white part of the eyes.

  2. Excessive watering of the eyes.

  3. Eye boogers crusting on to the eyelids especially while sleeping.

  4. Green or white colored discharges.

  5. Blurred sight or vision.

  6. Itchiness in the eyes.

  7. High sensitivity to light.

Types of Conjunctivitis

  1. Bacterial – This sort of conjunctivitis is caused due to bacteria through various forms of contagions. Staphylococcus Aureus, Streptococcus Pneumonia, Haemophilus Influenzae, and Psedudomonas Aeruginosa are the most common types of bacterias responsible for conjunctivitis. A patient of bacterial conjunctivitis can experience thick discharges or deposition of puss in eyes. Like other bacterial infections, bacterial conjunctivitis can be cured with the help of antibiotics. Antibiotic eye ointments or drops can cure this form of conjunctivitis.

  2. Viral–Viral Conjunctivitis can be caused due to the spread of airborne viruses that may spread either by coughing or sneezing. Both the eyes can get infected one after the other due to the spread of watery discharges. Viral conjunctivitis is self-limited and goes away by itself. Supportive medicines such as eye-drops may be prescribed.

  3. Gonococcal or Chlamydial Caused due to sexually transmitted diseases this type of conjunctivitis is the leading cause of preventable blindness.

  4. Neonatal–This is one form of conjunctivitis which is detected in infants. If this is left untreated, it may result in blindness. Antibiotic ointments are the possible remedies for this type of conjunctivitis.

Remedies and prevention methods for Conjunctivitis:

If you are suffering from conjunctivitis or are with someone who suffers from it, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly. Avoid touching and rubbing your eyes constantly. Wipe away discharges very mildly with a clean cloth or cotton ball. Wash bed sheets, handkerchiefs, pillow covers, etc frequently. Make sure you clean contact lenses regularly. Stop using them in case if you catch conjunctivitis. Avoid using public swimming pools. Do not share any items with the person who may be infected.

  1. Stye

What is Stye?

Also known as Hordeolum, Stye is a small but painful lump or abscess filled with puss. It may occur on the outside or the inside of eyelids. Although stye may usually be visible it may also occur deep inside the eyelids.

Symptoms of Stye

One may experience a slight inflammation on or inside the eyelids with a little pain. The bumps usually appear a day after experiencing these symptoms. The portion of the eyelid affected will slowly begin to swell and become tender.

Types of Stye

1. Chalazion: Initially it may lead the eyelid to swell mildly leading to a massive lump. It may last for a total of 3-5 days and the lump gradually decreases to the level of the eyelids. However, it may take anywhere between 2-8 weeks for the lump to get totally cured.

2. Hordeolum: It is a rather acute and localized swelling of eyelids. The lumps usually occur on the outsides of the eyelids. Patients may experience excessive watering of the eye and there might be a sensation of foreign body being present inside the eyes.

Remedies and prevention methods for Stye

Although Stye may get cured by itself, one might need to seek some professional help in order to drain it out in rare cases. They can also be treated with the help of antibiotics. You may also use a warm compress as soon as you experience early symptoms of it occurring. Use a warm tea-bag to soothe your eyes after a long day at work. Clean your eyes with mild soap and water. Remove your make up and contact lenses before going to sleep.

It is ideal to consult an ophthalmologist if any of the disorders happen to get very serious. With regular care and precautions, it is easy to combat the eye disorders.


©2018 Information on Contoura Vision Laser eye surgery for specs removal. The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice by an Ophthalmologist. 


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