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Contoura Vision, Smile, Lasik, Cataract, Glaucoma & Retina Services in Delhi - Best in Class

Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) is a newer refractive surgery for laser vision correction that was introduced in 2011. In this, unlike all the variants of LASIK, the part of the corneal stroma, called the lenticule (some tissue from the substance of the cornea) is removed via a very small incision. Since the surgery does not entail making a corneal flap, there is a marked decrease in the complications of corneal flap and dry eye.

SMILE is available in only a few institutes in Delhi, even though LASIK, Glaucoma, Cataract and Glaucoma services are available in several eye hospitals and clinics.

This recommendation of course comes with a caveat, to determine the best eye hospital in a buzzing metropolis like Delhi is fraught with confounding factors. However, keeping in mind the key factors that determine your health care experience, this article chooses to guide you to the best option as available in the city.

  1. Dr. R P Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS. Any listing of eye hospitals in Delhi would be incomplete without mentioning Dr. Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences. It is the apex referral center in the country, and offers the latest technologies, and state of the art eye care.

That said, the hospital is a center of excellence, and provides access to almost all the refractive surgery technology present in the city.

Eye7 hospitals: Of the stand-alone eye hospitals, the Eye 7 group of hospitals has emerged as the leader in both cataract and refractive surgery technologies, over the last three decades, and indeed for overall eye health. In fact, it is the only private eye hospital in Delhi-NCR that offers the entire bouquet of refractive surgery techniques. The group has expanded to 4 state of the art hospitals in the NCR, and has a series of firsts to their credit, especially spearheading the innovation in cataract and laser refractive surgeries. These include:

  • First to start LASIK treatment for spectacle removal in north India.

  • First to perform live bladeless LASIK cataract surgery in India.

  • Only eye hospital in India to be included in the International LASIK Surgeons directory.

  • First to perform Contoura Vision surgery in India.

Given that the Eye 7 group delivers on its promise of providing state of the art technology and super specialist eye care at your doorstep, at a cost that remains affordable, it is increasingly the first choice of patients choosing to undergo refractive surgery.


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