Types of Laser Eye Technology for Correcting Your Vision

Did you know the first ever laser eye surgical procedure to be performed on a human being was back in the year 1989? Today, laser eye operations have grown multi fold in terms of number as well as in terms of technology. The development can be measured in the form of the various technologies that have come up in the recent years that have made laser eye surgeries way easier and smoother than they used to be decades earlier. And the interesting fact is that the technology is still growing as the days go by.

But Which Technology Is Approved?

There are various types of laser eye surgery technologies that people opt for these days. And more or less all of them are really potent in rectifying the errors in vision that cause the irregular refraction of light. However, it is not easy to get sanctioned by the necessary medical authorities. It is very important for these medical technologies to get sanctioned by proper medical authorities so that surgeons and doctors can use them to operate on patients. To do this, the medical procedures/technologies need to be checked, double checked, and triple checked in order to make sure that they are safe for use and have no possible side effects that can hinder or harm the patient in any life changing way.

The story does not end here. The medical procedures and the technology used for it, that is, the lasers are monitored and kept a record of. They are checked regularly and are kept a keen eye on. This is basically for making sure that the technologies used for laser eye surgeries are safe as well as efficient.

From this point onwards, we will focus more on the various types of laser eye technologies that are used for correcting optical errors in the eyes. Have a look!

Excimer Laser Eye Technology

This was the first type of next generation laser eye surgery technology that was first invented in the year 1970. The excimer laser beam is basically a cool beam of laser that is comprised of ultraviolet rays. The beam of light essentially penetrates a minuscule portion of the epithelium or the cornea. The best part about the excimer laser beam is that it can help get rid of the erroneous corneal tissue without hurting, damaging, or burning the surrounding tissue. This helps a lot as it ensures the safety of the patients.

To be honest, when it was invented and shown to the rest of the world, it acted as a revolution in the ophthalmology science sphere as the world had never seen such a thing before. The technology was greater in terms of safety, effectiveness, as well as efficiency. Today, the excimer laser beam has advanced in many ways. The laser is controlled by the computer and is used to correct specific defects in the eye. These lasers today also come along with eye trackers that make sure that even if the eye is moving, the laser stays on the target in order to maintain efficiency.

Wave front Laser Eye Technology

As many of you may already know, one of the latest laser eye surgery techniques to come up and become popular is the LASIK eye surgery. The operation has a huge success rate and is quite suitable for most of the candidates. LASIK, these days also known as custom LASIK, is a personalized way to rectify errors in vision. LASIK also focusses on the quality of treatment rather than just the task. The LASIK eye operation is highly efficient and is most capable of reaching the perfect 20/20 vision when compared to the other forms of laser eye surgeries except for SMILE.

Wave front laser eye technology is a form of laser technology that is a rather newer form of laser eye technology in the ophthalmology sphere. However, not everybody is a suitable candidate for the wave front laser eye technology. People who intend to opt for laser eye surgeries in the future should be proactive and consult with their doctors or surgeons that whether they are suitcase for a certain laser surgery or not. They also need to make sure that the surgery that the surgeon suggests is approved by the respective medical authorities of their country.

The Intralase Laser Beam

The advent of the Intralase laser has changed everything. As many would already know that the creation of the flap on the cornea for the laser to vaporize excess tissue in the eyes of the patients so as to correct the error in vision. The Intralase laser beam allows for a much safer procedure and a much smoother operation process.

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The Intralase laser is essentially categorized under the brand of femtosecond lasers that basically use rapid and small pulses of harmless light to make a flap on the cornea. The beam of light creates microscopic bubbles on the epithelial surface which are decided by the plan of action.

The laser works very fluently. It moves around the cornea that eventually creates a uniform layer of water vapor and carbon dioxide. The microscopic bubbles are actually designed keeping in mind the dimensions of the flap of the cornea and the location of the hinge. These bubbles allow for the flap to easily lift up and make space for the laser to do its job. The corneal flap is created in just 20 to 25 seconds after which the rest of the procedure is carried out.

The above-mentioned laser technologies are the best in the world and have high success rates. These technologies are also approved by the various medical authorities in the world. However, that still does not prove that a certain person would be suitable for all the laser eye surgeries. A series of tests need to be finished before reaching a conclusion.

Hope this information helped.