Eye Conditions That Require Treatment from Doctors

In today’s fast paced life, we often ignore our health, despite knowing that health is indeed wealth. We often wait for symptoms that can no longer be ignored, before consulting with our doctor. In fact, even though most of us say that the eyes are most precious sense organ, we do not see or eye doctor unless absolutely unavoidable. We must remember that most of the common eye conditions that require treatment from doctors are often without symptoms in the early stages, and so a routine annual eye check is an absolute must for ensuring eye health.

Common eye related symptoms that require treatment from doctors

We must consult an eye doctor once a year for ensuring perfect vision and eye health. Listed below are some symptoms of common eye conditions that require treatment from doctors, and must not be ignored.

  • Persistent headaches

  • Trouble seeing clearly for distance, for example, reading number plates of cars while driving, or reading the blackboard in school

  • Trouble with near vision, including reading fine print

  • Eye strain and fatigue

  • Redness of eyes with or without watering and discharge

  • Eye irritation, sore and gritty eyes

  • Deformity in eye lid margin, position, any abnormal swellings

Common eye conditions that require treatment from doctors

There are many diseases that can affect the eye, and require attention from an eye specialist. Listed below are some of the most common eye conditions that require treatment from eye doctors.

1. Refractive errors: These are errors of focusing of light by the eye, and can be treated by glasses, contact lenses or laser surgery. These usually presents as headaches and blurred vision.

Nearsightedness or myopia, farsightedness or hyperopia are errors of refraction in which the light entering the eye is focused in front of, and behind the retina respectively. Astigmatism is an eye condition in which some rays are focused differently in different meridians and require cylindrical lenses for clarity of vision. People over the age of forty usually require glasses for near work, including reading. This condition is called presbyopia.

2. Conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis or pink eye can be either allergic or infective. This usually presents as red or pink eye, with watering or discharge and associated sensitivity to light. Treatment is usually eye drops for controlling the infection or allergy.

3. Computer Vision Syndrome and Dry eye: With increasing use of screen devices, the eyes are increasingly under strain. Symptoms of CVS include dry, sore eyes, headaches and eye strain. Treatment consists of better lifestyle, computer ergonomics, eye exercises and eye drops for lubrication.

4. Cataract: Cataract is a condition in which the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy leading to painless decrease of vision. Usual symptoms of cataract include, blurred vision, glare and inability to see in dim light. Treatment is usually glasses or cataract surgery.

5. Diabetic eye disease: People with high sugar levels are at risk for diabetic eye disease which comprises of diabetic retinopathy, maculopathy or macular edema and diabetic optic neuropathy. Cataract and glaucoma are also aggravated by diabetes. Usual symptoms include decreased vision, while the disease can remain asymptomatic for a long time. Treatment consists of blood sugar control, laser, injections and also vitreo-retinal surgery.

6. Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a painless, progressive disease in which the optic nerve is damaged, usually due to increased eye pressures. Glaucoma is usually asymptomatic until almost the advanced stages, and can cause irreversible vision loss. The treatment can range from eye drops, lasers, and even surgery.